We all know that data is key to telling an impact story, few understand how to use these points to spin meaningful but The department of statistic Malaysia failed.
The department of statistics Malaysia release crime statistic rate Malaysia 2018 report on 28/12/2018. The focus on their first publication of the department report mainly on five crime areas namely crime index drug, corruptions, environment and other crime.
Very important report release by The Department of statistic Malaysia but there is no impact on their report. Data storytelling must have an emotional impact as this is crime statistic. Their report just presenting facts and not persuading you toward a conclusion.
They fail to see “the human in the data.” Or even understand why the topic is needed by the person reading.
The below is just column chart is to compare individual data points with each other from The Department of Statistics Malaysia. My point of view its junk chart. The report also says 2017 improved against 2016 but not able to see from their chart clearly.
According to the report six states recorded crime index above national level but the chart not able to shows clearly their statement.
Graph is pretty much unreadable and you need to contort your neck to read sideways.
The better version by magin/2020
Confined by the limited space on a page, we are often tempted to force all the data we have into a slot that’s way too small. So I decided to create 2 chart to provide clarity on the crime index by year in Malaysia and by state by year.
Chart 1 - The most straightforward comparison use line chart which is most suitable to show the decline of crime index from 2015 to 2017. It's ideal for comparing yearly trends.
Chart 2 - Column chart clearly sorted from high to low to support their claim, six states recorded crime index above national level and Sabah the lowest.
magin/2020 - Data Story Telling
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